A thesis : The correlation between Students’ organization involvement Toward students’ speaking ability

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The correlation between Students’ organization involvement
Toward students’ speaking ability At the fifth semester of English Language Education in UIN SUSKA RIAU

Chapter I

In this chapter the researcher presents background knowledge of the study, statement of the research problem, purpose of the study, hypothesis, and significance of study, scope and limitation. Definition, Formulation of the research problem, Purpose of the study, Hypothesis, significant of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of key terms.

A. Background of the study

According to Mick Zais (2011), School Environment means the extent to which school settings promote student safety and student health, which may include topics such as the physical plant, the academic environment, available physical and mental health supports and services, and the fairness and adequacy of disciplinary procedures, as supported by relevant research and an assessment of validity. One goal of higher education is to prepare graduates(future leader) for the professional world there are still few formal training opportunities are offered to assist students in developing skills in personal leadership, organizational leadership, or community leadership(Patterson, 2012).

Student organizations: A group of students, sharing a common interest, funded. This group of students must abide by their own organization’s constitution as well as the students government Association’s organization existence policy (Ansevin-allen et al., 2007). So, the students who join in organization had been contract with organization policy. The policy made by students and also college. The policy is controlled by college and many institutions in college.

Every students believe that join in organization is not easy to do. Every minute should be used in beneficial working, because we have obligation in 2 important conditions. Firstly, obligation for organization programs, secondly obligation from our parents to study at college. Being a student of organization is quite hard.

Organization is sets of programs to make students work in real situation. It will be Lack of theory, full of action. The working of organization is divided into some division based on students’ interest. According to Astin, Craig and Warner said that on most campuses or colleges, students organization tend to fall into the following categories: governing bodies, Greek letter social organization, students government group , academic clubs, service group, honor societies, publication and media group, intramural sports clubs, religious organization, and special interest /cultural groups.(“2002-StudentParticipation.pdf,” 2002)

Organization is one of the extracurricular activities both academically or non-academically. Organization has many divisions to lead student’s intelligences. As human being we have 9 intelligences. According to Howard Gadrner in, there are 9 intelligences. They are: Naturalist intelligence, Musical intelligence, Logical – Mathematical Intelligence, Existential intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, Intra-personal intelligence, Inter-personal Intelligence, and Spatial Intelligence.(Gardner, n.d.). Those intelligences are made up in organization division. Astin and Kuh said that Extracurricular provides opportunities to apply classroom knowledge to real world settings and develops skill setting that will assist the practical realities of the graduation(“2002-StudentParticipation.pdf,” 2002).

People realize that organization is part of human life. In everywhere places are always have organization, but unfortunately not all people think that organization is important for their future. The result, Many students in the college are not able to create own job because lack of leadership.

In college, students in a year more than a hundred, but the students who interest in organization are just a few. Many students think that join in organization will waste their time, their money, decreasing their free time and disturbing their college, in another hand students are thinking organization is not for them. Many students are also thinking that they do not able join in organization because they have no experience on it. Whereas, almost students organization are students who do not ever join in organization before.

Many students that join in organization have high score, good leadership, and good relation with friends and teacher. According to American council in (“2002-StudentParticipation.pdf,” 2002) notion that the enhancement of student learning with activities outside the classroom is content with the initial goal of student affairs work; to develop the whole students.

Nowadays leadership is very necessary for people. Without any leadership in the individual of students that will be hard to be autonomous person. Life is quite hard to be depending on others. Student is as educated person should have leadership to make them endure with many challenges in this world. In reality, students have many problems in college. At the very least, students who have good leadership will have good performance for their selves and also around them. Not only majority will be developed but more than college and also our beloved country, Indonesia.

The researcher chooses UIN SUSKA RIAU as a setting to do research, because it has organization for students called SAEED (Students association of English education department). Some students join in organization and also many students do not interest to join in organization. That is the reason why the writer wants to show that organization is important to support students’ intelligences. Because of the background of the study problem is appropriate to be investigated, remembering the benefit which can be taken from the research activity.

Based on the research background, the writer wants to know students’ organization involvement and students’ achievement. Therefore, the writer takes the title:

“The students’ organization involvement towards student’s achievement at the fifth semester of English education department in UIN SUSKA RIAU”.

B. Formulation of the research problem

According to the background of the problem, the study should be based on these statements of problem:

1. How is students’ organization in SAEED at fifth semester of UIN SUSKA RIAU?
2. How is students’ organization achievement at fifth semester of UIN SUSKA RIAU?
3. Is there any correlation between the students’ organization involvement and students’ achievement at fifth semester in UIN SUSKA RIAU?

C. Purpose of the study
Consciously, the researcher studies these problems in order to reach some purposes determined. It aims to get answer from the organized problems.
From the problem stated, the writer has some purposes as follow:

1. To know students’ organization involvement at fifth semester of UIN SUSKA RIAU.
2. To know students’ achievement at fifth semester of UIN SUSKA RIAU.
3. To know whether there is any positive correlation between students’ organization and students’ achievement at fifth semester of UIN SUSKA RIAU.

D. Hypothesis
The hypothesis is a powerful tool in scientific inquiry. It enables us to relate the theory to observe it. The use of hypothesis has united experience and reason to produce a powerful tool for seeking truth. Furthermore, Gray (1992 : 66) states hypothesis is tentative conclusion for certain behavior phenomenon or events that occurred or will not occur. A hypothesis states the researcher expectation concerning people the relationship between variables in the research problem.

1. Null Hypothesis (Ho). There is no positive correlation between students’ organization involvement and student’s achievement.
2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha). There is positive correlation between students’ organization involvement and student’s achievement.

E. Significant of the study
By conducting this research the writer hopes that the result of this study research will be useful for the readers especially.
1. Theoretically
It is one of the contributions in the scope of correlation study, particularly students’ organization and students’ achievement.

2. Practically
a. Teacher
Teachers are able to guide students and improve student’s intelligences in the class and out of class.
b. Student
The students can read and distinct students their development intelligence in the class and out of the class.

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