Di Blog az-paper kamu bisa cari RPP, Referensi skripsi, Essay dan juga materi pembelajaran. seilahkan di cek. :)
School :
SMP N 29 Pekanbaru
Grade/Semester : VIII / C
of students : 36
Subject : English
Theme/Topic : Indonesian Food / Procedure text
Skill : Listening and
allocation : 09.30-11.00 AM
Teacher :
Group 5
In this material, the students will learn how to:- Respond to spoken monologue texts of descriptive;
- Create spoken monologue texts of descriptive;
- Identify the meanings, the linguistic features, and the text structure of written essays of descriptive;
- Write essays of descriptive using the appropriate linguistic features and text structure.
B. Motivation Strategies
- Teacher greets the class.
- Teacher asks chairman to lead pray before study
- Teacher checks the attendance list.
- Teacher motivates the students by Stretching
- Teacher asks the students everything that related to the topic (a perception)
For example:
Have you breakfast?
What is your breakfast?
What is
your favorite Indonesian food?
Why do
you like it?
Presentation Strategies
- Teacher shows Indonesian food pictures
- Teacher asks students anything about the foods
- Teacher asks student the ingredients of the food
- Teacher asks students how to make the food
- Teacher explains about procedure text.
- Teacher explains the generic structure of procedure text based on the example.
- Teacher asks the students to sit in pair
- Teacher asks students to write procedure text about their favorite food in pair
- Teacher asks student to read their writing product without naming the food
- Teacher asks students to guess the name of food
- Teacher asks the students how they feel during the class
- Teacher asks the students whether they have any difficulties related to the topic.
- Teacher explains the summary of the lesson.
- Teacher asks students to make their own procedure text about their Indonesian favorite food
- Teacher asks students to submit their writing production
- Teacher gives summary about the procedure text
G. Close activity
- Teacher and students do reflection by watching video
- Teacher closes the meeting and greeting.
Recognized Pekanbaru,
April 2015
Headmaster Teacher
Drs. Abdullah Hasan M.Sc.
Group 5
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