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CHAPTER IDi Blog az-paper kamu bisa cari RPP, Referensi skripsi, Essay dan juga materi pembelajaran. seilahkan di cek. :)
A. Problem Background
As we know that in fact, the language in the world is not a single language but different. Moreover, in a variety of languages have various forms, such as standard and non-standard variations. These variations arise because of social and cultural factors, where individuals or groups of individuals live.
These variation make same confusing for learners. So, The author try to give an easier word to make reader understandable about language variation.
B. Problem Formulation
What is language variation?
How language can change?
How many variation of English in the world?
C. Purpose
The Author wish this paper can help her friends to understand about the language variation. Known well how many variation of English and how variation of language can be accepted.
Language variation
Talking about language variation is quiet hard for the writer. we defined a variety as a set of linguistic items with similar social distribution. Language can be vary cause human also like that. So many variation in the world that make us happy, make us can identify each other, that make us more alive. So, languages are vary in many ways. One way of characterizing certain variations is to say that speakers of a particular language, sometimes speak different dialects of that language. e.g., the British and American varieties. For British example when they say water the stress is in wa’ but for America the stress is in water’. This differences make English become as emotional language. Other side, We also have variation in written language. In England, the sound /ʌ/, as in sun /»s ʌ n/, is a typical southern sound, found in southern England and in South Midland, while this sound is not used among speakers of dialects in North Midland and northern England, where, for example, the word sun is pronounced /»s ʊ n/, with the sound /U/, which is found in put /»pUt/ in most dialects also in the South (some areas have / ʌ /). The English phonemes / ʌ / and /U/ are different linguistic items
Language variation is variety of speaker to speak a language. So many differences could we see in our life. Why it happened? One of the reason is because we are as human also vary in some ways to think, culture, region, and so on. That’s way language variation is exist . talking about variation itself is not to show which one is the best which one is the worse but this is the beautiful language designed by human. So, do not say you are the best because American or what else, but think how smart human to make that beautiful differences.
Types of variation :
- Internal variation : refers to the property of languages of having difficult ways of expressing the same meaning example : lorry – truck and flat – Apartment
- Regional variation : refers to the area or geographical. Regional variation in way a language is spoken is likely to be one of the most noticeable way which observe variety in language.
- Social variation : refers to the social group. It involves grouping people together according to their status within society and according to the group they belong to.
Because all types make language different. The question is how can we solve the miscommunication because that variety? The answer is on you. You must take care each other that different thing not make us worse but make us better.
In here, the writer invite the all generation to create as much as possible new word to make the language more alive.
In many ways, standard variety is an equally appropriate designation. It has the following prototypical properties:
• It is the variety of used by educated users, e.g. those in the professions, the media, and so on.
• It is the variety defined in dictionaries, grammars, and usage guides.
• It is regarded as more correct and socially acceptable than other varieties.
• It enjoys greater prestige than dialects and non-standard varieties: non- standard varieties are felt to be the province of the less educated.
• It is used as a written language.
• It is used in important functions in the society – in the government, the parliament, courts, bureaucracy, education, literature, trade, and industry.
Conclusion :
Language variation is many ways of speakers to speak English by their style.
There are 3 kinds of language variation :
- Internal variation
- Regional variation
- Social variation
Standard variety are :
- Using by educated person
- Using by written language
- It used for many things.
Amelia, rizki, 2013. An introduction to sociolinguistics. Pekanbaru : benteng Media
Penny, Ralph. Variation and change. United states : cambridge University press
Wardaugh, Ronald.2006. An introduction to sociolinguistics. United kingdom : Blackwell publishing
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